Teacher Expectations

Teacher Expectations
As a teacher, it is important to show students what you expect from them and understand the influence that your expectations have on the students.  It is vital to state your expectations to the class but more importantly to put your expectations into action.  High expectations can influence the amount of learning the students achieves and how motivated students become when they are working on assignments (Levin and Nolan, p. 111).  In the classroom, it is important to make sure that expectations are high for lower level students as well as other students.  It has been found that students who are lower level learners that receive less praise, acceptance, or receive less contact from their teachers begin to expect less from not only their teacher but also themselves (Levin and Nolan, p. 111).  In my classroom students are going to be expected to answer questions that are asked.  When they are asked the question each student will receive the same amount of time and everyone will receive the same amount of praise.  This helps each student to feel comfortable because they know what to expect along with what they are going to receive.  Once they understand this expectation it will help them to not be anxious because they do not know what to expect, how much time will be given, or to feel upset about the praise received from me.  I will also expect students to work hard, treat everyone with respect, and to never stop trying.  Portraying these expectations, I will be the main example of what I expect but I will also want students to work together to achieve what I expect.  Holding students to high standards will allow students to succeed at higher levels.